Browse Items (71 total)

Describes program giving summer employment to 630 boys, aged fourteen and fifteen, living in seven inner city precincts.

Includes some material on UAW, Ford Motor Company, Sojourner Truth and the 1943 Riots, police-community relations

Unidexed work describes Flint's Schoool Liason Program (p.77-79) and has occasional tabulations of practices in police departments of cities, including Detroit, Lansing, and Pontiac.

Reports a six-week investigation of alleged racial discrimination.

Includes summaries of workshops on housing, education, employment, law enforcement and of general session speeches.

Reports on disposition of complaints against law enforcement agencies from January, 1964 through March, 1966.

Reports both "facts and attitudes" secured from a preliminary investigation and five days of public inquiry into employment, social services, housing, education, law enforcement aspects of race relations in Pontiac.

Captioned as "Chapter Ten," this is apparently part of a study of the Riot.

Uses Flint Youth Study data to make structural functional analysis of delinquency among two samples of lower class Negro boys, aged twelve to seventeen, one with several police contacts per boy, the other with none.

Executive Secretary of Civil Rights Congress occasionally chooses local instances of harassment, police brutality, etc., as subject matter. July 6, 1951- December 12, 1952
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