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Elliottorian Business Women's Club since founding in 1918 by Mrs. Elizabeth N. Ellott, has provided clearing house for women in clerical work.

Makes occasional references to work of Charles D. Diggs, Jr. in securing passage of Act. Case Study 80 in the Inter-University Case Program Series..

Lists and describes the Benevolent Society, Willing Workers Society, and Phyllis Wheatley Home of Detroit; Ann Arbor's Women's Club; and two Negro working-girls' homes, one in Detroit, the other in Grand Rapids.

Investigates "three of the conditions under which [eighty fifth and sixth grade Negro boys in two integrated Detroit Public Schools] would exhibit differential levels of belief that events are beyond personal control."

Relates group participation to demographic characteristics of interviewees and their neighborhoods in Detroit and Boston.

Counseling in middle grades in Royal Oak Township Schools does not produce more realistic aspirations or reduce underachievement.

Reports an unsuccessful reading and speech improvement program for sixty-eight inner city children.


Gives police account of shooting of Cynthia Scott on July 5, 1963.

With "evidence obtained from the study of a single large, Norther urban public-school system" [Detroit] demonstrates "that our public-school system has become an instrument of social and economic class distinctions in American society."
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