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Gives preliminary program of convention, call to action, and registration form

Describes People's Tribunal convened by City-wide Citizens Action Committee to try "white policemen accused of murdering black boys in rebellion."

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Makes many references to role played by Negroes in Ford Organizing Drive. p.133-167. A New Deal for Labor

Areas discussed include housing, education, employment, attitude of churches.

Learning situation should become more responsive to the needs of black children.

Presents a brief history of blacks in Kalamazoo; discusses housing and employment situation, then evaluates school board's action in eliminating junior high program at Lincoln School.

Describes a three-month program, believed to have helped Lansing achieve a cool 1967 summer, in which nine workers opened "lines of communication from the city government to the community."
Examined at Grand Rapids Human Relations Commission.

Sees the Sojourner Truth Riots as evidence of failure of municipal authorities to halt Black Legion and KKK activities.
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